File Manager

The File Master window is opened from the main window File menu.
As with the Chat window and 'load and run', MMEdit needs to know what type of device it's talking to. There are many differences between devices and if the type is wrong, transfers will fail.

Because we cannot share the serial port, if the Chat window is open when the File Master opens, the Chat window is disabled. It will be enabled again when the File window is closed.

The left hand window displays the files on the PC and Maximite files are on the right.
If your device doesn't have a file system, you can still copy to and from the devices program area.

To change directories/folders click on the folder name. To go up one level, click on the '..' The folder name is displayed in the top window. 
To select a file, click and its name will appear in the second window

You can copy to or from the Editor window to the device or to/from a file on the PC.

Copying uses XMODEM so it is likely that control-Z characters will be added to the end of the file to pad the size to a 128 byte boundary.
When you are copying from the device file system to the PC, MMEdit knows the original file size so there is an option to 'trim' the file size, removing any extra crtl-Z from the end.
This option is not available when transferring to the device.

You can also 'quick view' files on either the device or PC

Last edited: 03 November, 2020