Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4
Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2
ARC x, y, r1, [r2], rad1, rad2, colour
Draws an arc of a circle or a given colour and width between two radials
(defined in degrees).
Parameters for the ARC command are:
'x' is the X coordinate of the centre of arc.
'y' is the Y coordinate of the centre of arc.
'r1' is the inner radius of the arc.
'r2' is the outer radius of the arc - can be omitted if 1 pixel wide.
'rad1' is the start radial of the arc in degrees.
'rad2' is the end radial of the arc in degrees.
'colour' is the colour of the arc.
'rad1' and 'rad2' can be greater than 360 degrees.
'rad2' cannot equal 'rad1' and your code should check for this condition.
x = MM.HRES/2
y = MM.VRES/2
r1 = 100
r2 = 105
rad1 = 0
rad2 = 5 + RND()*30
ARC x, y, r1, r2, rad1, rad2, RGB(RND()*255,RND()*255,RND()*255)
rad1 = rad2
rad2 = rad1 +5+RND()*30
Last edited: 29 September, 2020