Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4
Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2
INPUT [prompt$;] var1 [,var2 [, var3 ...]]
INPUT #nbr, list of variables
INPUT$(nbr, [#]fnbr)
INPUT [prompt$;] var1 [,var2 [, var3 ...]]
Will take a list of values separated by commas (,) entered at the console
and will assign them to a sequential list of variables.
For example, if the command is: INPUT a, b, c And the following is typed on the
keyboard: 23, 87, 66 Then a = 23 and b = 87 and c = 66
The list of variables can be a mix of float, integer or string variables. The
values entered at the console must correspond to the type of variable.
If a single value is entered a comma is not required (however that value cannot
contain a comma).
‘prompt$’ is a string constant (not a variable or expression) and if
specified it will be printed first.
Normally the prompt is terminated with a semicolon (;) and in that case a
question mark will be printed following the prompt. If the prompt is terminated
with a comma (,) rather than the semicolon (;) the question mark will be
INPUT #nbr, list of variables
Same as the normal INPUT command except that the input is read from a file
previously opened for INPUT as ‘#fnbr’ or a serial port previously opened
for INPUT as ‘nbr’.
See the OPEN command. #0 can be used which refers to the
INPUT$(nbr, [#]fnbr)
Will return a string composed of ‘nbr’ characters read from a file on the SD
card previously opened for INPUT with the file number ‘#fnbr’.
This function will read all characters including carriage return and new line
without translation.
Will return a string composed of ‘nbr’ characters read from a serial
communications port opened as 'fnbr'.
This function will return as many characters as are waiting in the receive
buffer up to ‘nbr’.
If there are no characters waiting it will immediately return with an empty
string. #0 can be used which refers to the console's input buffer. The # is
optional. Also see the OPEN command.
Last edited: 29 September, 2020