Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4 Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2

SORT array() [,indexarray()] [,flags] [,startposition] [,elementstosort]

This command takes an array of any type (integer, float or string) and sorts it into ascending order in place.
It has an optional parameter ‘indexarray%()’. If used this must be an integer array of the same size as the array to be sorted. 
flag values are:
bit0: 0 (default if omitted) normal sort - 1 reverse sort
bit1: 0 (default) case dependent - 1 sort is case independent
startposition defines which element in the array to start the sort. Default is 0 (OPTION BASE 0) or 1 (OPTION BASE 1)
elementstosort defines how many elements in the array should be sorted. Default is all elements after the startposition

After the sort ‘indexarray%()’ will contain the original index position of each element in the array being sorted before it was sorted. 
Any data in the array will be overwritten.
This allows connected arrays to be sorted.

The optional ‘startposition’ defines which element in the array to start the sort. Default is 0 (OPTION BASE 0) or 1 (OPTION BASE 1) 
The optional ‘elementstosort’ defines how many elements in the array should be sorted. The default is all elements after the startposition. 
Any of the optional parameters may be omitted so, for example, to sort just the first 50 elements of an array you could use: SORT array(), , , ,50

 DIM INTEGER maxFiles = 500 ' adjust to suit expected maximum
 DIM fList$(maxFiles) LENGTH 80' file names for sorting
 DIM fSize%(maxFiles) ' file sizes
 DIM fDate$(maxFiles) LENGTH 20' file dates
 DIM fSort$(maxFiles) LENGTH 80
 DIM fsortSize%(maxFiles)
 DIM fIndex%(maxFiles)
 DIM f$
 ' by ignoring array location zero, we can work safely with OPTION BASE 0 or 1
 mf = 1
 f$ = DIR$("*", ALL)
 DO WHILE f$ <> ""
   fSize%(mf) = MM.INFO$(FILESIZE f$)
   IF fSize%(mf)=-2 THEN
     fList$(mf) = "(DIR) "+f$
     fDate$(mf) = " "+MM.INFO$(MODIFIED f$)' the leading space keeps directories sorted first
     fList$(mf) = f$
     fDate$(mf) = "."+MM.INFO$(MODIFIED f$)
   mf = mf + 1
   IF mf > maxFiles THEN EXIT DO
   f$ = DIR$()
 mf = mf -1 ' we now know the number of entries
 ' print the unsorted list
 PRINT "Unsorted lsit:"
 FOR z = 1 TO mf
   PRINT fList$(z)
 FOR z = 1 TO mf
   fSort$(z)= fList$(z)
 SORT fSort$(), fIndex%(),&b10,1, mf
 ' print the sorted list using the index array to refer to the original data
 PRINT "Sorted by Name with directories first"
 FOR z = 1 TO mf
   PRINT STR$(fIndex%(z),4);" ";fList$(fIndex%(z))
 ' sort by date
 FOR z = 1 TO mf
   fSort$(z)= fDate$(z)
 SORT fSort$(), fIndex%(),&b10,1, mf
 ' print the sorted list
 PRINT "Sorted by Date with directories first"
 FOR z = 1 TO mf
   PRINT STR$(fIndex%(z),4);" "; fDate$(fIndex%(z));"  ";STR$(fSize%(fIndex%(z)),10,0);"  "; fList$(fIndex%(z))
 ' sort by file size using numbers instead of strings
 MATH add fSize%(), 0, fSortSize%()
 SORT fSortSize%(), fIndex%(),&b10,1, mf
 ' print the sorted list
 PRINT "Sorted by Size with directories first because size = -2"
 ' this time we print index zero to show it is not hiding any data.
 FOR z = 0 TO mf
   PRINT STR$(fIndex%(z),4);" "; STR$(fSize%(fIndex%(z)),10,0);"  ";fDate$(fIndex%(z));"  "; fList$(fIndex%(z))

Last edited: 25 February, 2021