Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4
Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2
SPI OPEN speed, mode, bits
SPI READ nbr, array()
SPI WRITE nbr, data1, data2, data3, … etc
SPI WRITE nbr, string$
SPI WRITE nbr, array()
Communications via an SPI channel. The command SPI refers to channel 1.
The command SPI2 refers to channel 2 and has an identical syntax.
'nbr' is the number of data items to send or receive 'data1', 'data2', etc can
be float or integer and in the case of WRITE can be a constant or
If 'string$' is used 'nbr' characters will be sent. 'array' must be a single
dimension float or integer array and 'nbr' elements will be sent or received.
SPI Open
To use the SPI function the SPI channel must be first opened. The syntax for
opening the SPI channel is: SPI OPEN speed, mode, bits
'speed' is the speed of the clock. This can be 25000000, 12500000, 6250000,
3125000, 1562500, 781250, 390625 or 195315 (ie, 25MHz, 12.5MHz, 6.25MHz,
3.125MHz, 1562.5KHz, 781.25KHz,
390.625KHz or 195.3125KHz).
For any other values the firmware will select the next valid speed that is equal
or slower than the speed requested.
'mode' is a single numeric digit representing the transmission mode - see
Transmission Format below.
'bits' is the number of bits to send/receive. This can be 8, 16 or 32.
It is the responsibility of the program to separately manipulate the CS (chip
select) pin if required.
Transmission Format
The most significant bit is sent and received first. The format of the
transmission can be specified by the 'mode'
as shown below. Mode 0 is the most common format.
Mode | Description | CPOL | CPHA |
0 | Clock is active high, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge | 0 | 0 |
1 | Clock is active high, data is captured on the falling edge and output on the rising edge | 0 | 1 |
2 | Clock is active low, data is captured on the falling edge and output on the rising edge | 1 | 0 |
3 | Clock is active low, data is captured on the rising edge and output on the falling edge | 1 | 1 |
Standard Send/Receive
When the SPI channel is open data can be sent and received using the SPI
function. The syntax is: received_data = SPI(data_to_send)
Note that a single SPI transaction will send data while simultaneously receiving
data from the slave.
'data_to_send' is the data to send and the function will return the data
received during the transaction.
'data_to_send' can be an integer or a floating point variable or a constant.
If you do not want to send any data (ie, you wish to receive only) any number (eg,
zero) can be used for the data to send.
Similarly if you do not want to use the data received it can be assigned to a
variable and ignored.
Bulk Send/Receive
Data can also be sent in bulk:
SPI WRITE nbr, data1, data2, data3, ... etc
SPI WRITE nbr, string$
SPI WRITE nbr, array()
In the first method 'nbr' is the number of data items to send and the data is
the expressions in the argument list (ie, 'data1', data2' etc).
The data can be an integer or a floating point variable or a constant.
In the second or third method listed above the data to be sent is contained in
the 'string$' or the contents of 'array()' (which must be a single dimension
array of integer or floating point numbers).
The string length, or the size of the array must be the same or greater than nbr.
Any data returned from the slave is discarded.
Data can also be received in bulk:
SPI READ nbr, array()
Where 'nbr' is the number of data items to be received and array() is a single
dimension integer array where the received data items will be saved.
This command sends zeros while reading the data from the slave.
SPI Close
If required the SPI channel can be closed as follows (the I/O pins will be set
to inactive):
Send and receive data using an SPI channel. A single SPI transaction will send
data while simultaneously receiving data from the slave.
‘data’ is the data to send and the function will return the data received
during the transaction. ‘data’ can be an integer or a floating point
variable or a constant.
The following example shows how to use the SPI port for general I/O.
It will send a command 80 (hex) and receive two bytes from the slave SPI device
using the standard send/receive function:
PIN(10) = 1 : SETPIN 10, DOUT ' pin 10 will be
used as the enable signal
SPI OPEN 5000000, 3, 8 ' speed is 5
MHz and the data size is 8 bits
PIN(10) =
' assert the enable line (active low)
junk = SPI(&H80)
' send the command and ignore the return
byte1 =
' get the first byte from the slave
byte2 =
' get the second byte from the slave
PIN(10) =
' deselect the slave
' and close the channel
The following is similar to the example given above but this time the transfer
is made using the bulk
send/receive commands:
' our array will start with the index 1
' define the array for receiving the data
PIN(10) = 1 : SETPIN 10, DOUT ' pin 10 will be used as the enable signal
SPI OPEN 5000000, 3, 8 ' speed is 5
MHz, 8 bits data
PIN(10) =
' assert the enable line (active low)
' send the command
SPI READ 2, data%()
' get two bytes from the slave
PIN(10) =
' deselect the slave
' and close the channel
Last edited: 31 January, 2023