Compatible with:
DOS Maximite CMM MM150 MM170 MM+ MMX Picromite ArmiteL4
Armite F4 ArmiteH7 Picomite CMM2
The TURTLE commands are a simple method of drawing graphic images on the VGA
They are suitable for newcomers and students.
TURTLE RESET | Clears the screen and re-initialises the turtle system. The
turtle is located at MM.HRES\2, MM.VRES\2. The default pen colour is white and the fill colour is green. The initial heading is up (0 degrees) |
TURTLE DRAW TURTLE | Draws a turtle at the current location and in the current orientation |
TURTLE DRAW PIXEL x, y | Draw a 1-pixel dot at the given location using the current draw colour, regardless of current turtle location or pen status. |
TURTLE FILL PIXEL x, y | Draw a 1-pixel dot at the given location using the current fill colour, regardless of current turtle location or pen status. |
TURTLE DRAW LINE x1, y1, x2, y2 | Draw a straight line between the given coordinates, regardless of current turtle location or pen status. |
TURTLE DRAW CIRCLE x, y, r | Draw a circle at the given coordinates with the given radius, regardless of current turtle location or pen status. |
TURTLE PEN UP | Lifts the pen so moves do not write to the screen |
TURTLE PEN DOWN | Lowers the pen so moves do write to the screen |
TURTLE FORWARD n | Moves the turtle n pixels in the current heading |
TURTLE BACKWARD n | Moves the turtle n pixels opposite the current heading |
TURTLE DOT | Draw a 1-pixel dot at the current location, regardless of pen status |
TURTLE TURN LEFT deg | Turn the turtle to the left (anti-clockwise) by the specified number of degrees. |
TURTLE TURN RIGHT deg | Turn the turtle to the right (clockwise) by the specified number of degrees. |
TURTLE BEGIN FILL | Start filling. Call this before drawing a polygon to activate the bookkeeping required to run the filling algorithm later. |
TURTLE END FILL | End filling. Call this after drawing a polygon to trigger the fill algorithm. The filled polygon may have up to 128 sides. |
TURTLE HEADING deg | Rotate the turtle to the given absolute heading (in degrees). 0 degrees means facing straight up. 90 degrees means facing to the right. |
TURTLE PEN COLOUR col | Set the current drawing colour. Colours are specified as per normal drawing commands |
TURTLE FILL COLOUR col | Set the current fill colour. Colours are specified as per normal drawing commands |
TURTLE MOVE x, y | Move the turtle to the specified location, drawing a straight line if the pen is down. |
Last edited: 29 September, 2020